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Ommi's Buddha Jumps Over the Wall | 海陸珍味佛跳牆
Ommi's Buddha Jumps Over the Wall | 海陸珍味佛跳牆
Australian live abalone (3ea), dried squid, TAS diamond clams, beef tendon, pork stomach, quail eggs, pork ribs, oyster mushroom, taro, cabbage, daikon
ALLERGEN ADVICE: Contain soy, shellfish, and egg product
This dish is so nice that Buddhas will jump over walls just to get a taste! The wacky name lives up to its name with Ommi’s recipe of all-natural ingredients and flavours! The soup is boiled with 10+ fresh ingredients over two days to bring out the natural sweetness and umami of vegetables.
有別與其它的佛跳牆調理包,我們的湯頭和選材真材實料,師傅使用十幾種食材新鮮燉煮整整兩天的濃郁湯頭, 天然甘甜無添加! 選用澳洲新鮮活體大鮑魚和許多精選食材燉煮入味! 精粹而出高湯精華,經過了繁雜工序將多樣食材完美融合在一起,嚐起來濃郁甘甜,回味無窮。佛跳牆有『福壽全都來』的吉祥之意,過年時必吃佛跳牆,品嚐充滿濃濃台味的海陸珍味佛跳牆,蛇年好幸福!
Serve 4-5 guests
適合 4-5 人